Stories / Blog Posts / Renowned Canadian explorer and bestselling author Adam Shoalts inspires at Outward Bound Canada event

Renowned Canadian explorer and bestselling author Adam Shoalts inspires at Outward Bound Canada event

Our 2024 Get Outside for Outward Bound Campaign, a two-week celebration of the outdoors and adventure, ended on May 25 with a very special event! We had the honor of hosting renowned author and adventurer Adam Shoalts at Outward Bound Canada’s urban base at the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto. A full house of nature lovers listened in awe as Adam Shoalts shared his stories and emphasized the power of outdoor education to prepare youth for the challenges of coming of age in an ever-changing world.

Niki Quintana and Sophia Martins, members of the OBC Youth Council, were also present at the event and shared their thoughts with us: 

Niki Quintana:

“The presentation and meeting with Adam Shoalts was inspiring, witty and portrayed the appeal every Outward Bound participant feels on their travels!

Adam is a modern-day explorer known for his solo expeditions across Canada’s vast wilderness. With a background in history and archeology, he combines his academic knowledge with hands-on experience to bring the wilderness past and present to life. On his journeys he has traversed the Hudson Bay lowlands, the Canadian Arctic and the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland, often experiencing extreme conditions and challenging terrain.

Adam told the audience at the Evergreen Brickworks about his highlights and biggest challenges. His experiences were very interesting and he shared how his trips pushed him to the limits of what was physically and mentally possible, yet remain his most cherished memories that continue to inspire himself and others. He combined his passion for the wilderness with his knowledge of archeology and history and gave a very captivating account of his travels and the planning behind them.

He also spoke about many parts of Canadian history that are not widely known and that he believes should be appreciated by everyone in Canada. He is a gifted writer whose books, such as Beyond the Trees: A Journey Alone Across Canada’s Arctic and Alone Against the North, are vivid narratives that bring his adventures to life. In his novels, the reader experiences the thrill of discovery, the tranquility of remote landscapes and the resilience needed to overcome the challenges of the wilderness. His writing is a celebration of the natural world and a call to preserve its beauty while today’s generation is dominated by technology and urbanization.

Adam expressed the importance of encouraging children to get outside and explore the wilderness, just as he himself was encouraged as a child. His adventures remind us of the enduring allure of the wild and he embodies the spirit of exploration by showing that there are still vast, unexplored areas waiting to be discovered. His expeditions challenge us to step out of our comfort zone, embrace the unknown and reconnect with nature in its purest form.”

Sophia Martins:

“Have you ever thought about canoeing alone through the Arctic? If you’re reading this post, most of you will probably answer yes, but if not, I’ll try to change your mind. On May 25, I had the pleasure of listening to Adam Shoalts speak at an OBC event at the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto.

After listening to Adam, I was inspired to embark on those exhilarating adventures, which is why I’m glad I have OBC to guide me in this direction. The pictures of the environment and animals he encountered were amazing! Adam used his rich vocabulary to create images of his spectacular adventures in our minds. I could listen to him forever, but unfortunately that’s not possible, so I probably did what everyone else did: I bought one of his books. I’m very excited to dive deeper into his stories and learn more about his travels. 

After listening to Adam, I had the opportunity to discuss life stories with OBC supporters who have been fortunate enough to make their own Outward Bound expeditions, some of them many years ago. I met inspiring people, including OBC alumni, coordinators and managers. This event made me proud to be a member of the OBC Youth Council!”

Inspired by Adam’s message and the shared experiences of Niki and Sophia, isn’t it time to get outside yourself? 

Whether on a nearby hike or an Outward Bound adventure, take the challenge, reconnect with nature, and discover the transformative power of the outdoors.

Explore our website to learn more about our upcoming programs and see how you can get involved.