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The Benefits for Participants

Experiencing the outdoors in an immersive, hands-on way helps young people connect with nature, acquire vital social-emotional skills, and develop a deep sense of self. In an increasingly digital and fast-paced world, getting out there and learning in nature is a life-changing opportunity for youth to disconnect from screens, step out of their comfort zone, and embark on a path of personal growth and discovery that is simply not possible online or in a regular classroom.

Combined with the healing power of connecting with nature, Outward Bound’s exclusive pedagogy, developed by qualified educators and taught by experienced instructors with a passion for outdoor adventure, offers youth unparalleled benefits.

Breaking down the key benefits for youth

Combined with the healing power of connecting with nature, Outward Bound’s exclusive pedagogy, developed by qualified educators and taught by experienced instructors with a passion for outdoor adventure, offers youth unparalleled benefits:

1. Developing life skills

Our programs focus on social-emotional skills such as teamwork and communication. By engaging in adventures and collaborative activities, participants build lasting connections with peers and mentors and develop relationship-building and problem-solving abilities for school, future careers, and life.

2. Environmental Leadership

Our programs inspire deep respect for nature and empower youth to become environmental stewards. Through hands-on experiences, they develop a sense of responsibility and acquire the knowledge and skills to overcome the fears caused by the climate crisis and make a positive contribution to our planet.

3. Improved mental health

The combination of physical activity, exposure to the outdoors, and a supportive community creates resilience, reduces stress, and promotes overall mental well-being. Social media and smartphones have had a massive impact on today’s youth and have contributed to today’s mental health crisis for this generation. By giving youth a break from technology on our courses, they have the chance to focus on themselves and each other, to develop strong and meaningful bonds with instructors and peers.

Participants leave our programs with a strengthened sense of self-worth and a greater ability to navigate the challenges of growing up. Learn more about the relationship between teen mental health and outdoor education.

Our participants report

Backpack-Icon-graphic 70% Increased resiliency
Compass-Icon-graphic 77% Increased leadership
Fire-Icon-graphic 70% Increased compassion
Tent-Icon-graphic 90% Want to do another Outward Bound course